
Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 10 Spoilers: The Queen is Back at Grey Sloan, And She’s Bringing Drama

The queen is back, baby!

Yes, for all of you diehard Meredith Grey fans, we can expect her to make her customary visit on Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 10.

Ellen Pompeo may have moved on from Grey’s Anatomy to pursue other things and limited her role, but she knows how to breeze back into Grey Sloan with her hot doc in tow and shake things up a bit.

(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

Meredith Showing Up After Lucas’ Shooting Feels Like Great Timing

Here’s the thing: Mer showing up after Lucas had such a traumatic scare feels like some great timing.

Unfortunately, based on how Grey’s Anatomy Season 21 Episode 9 handled that arc (setting aside the potential PTSD angle), Mer is likely to breeze past this incident as if it were nothing.

One thing about Mer is that she’ll be singularly focused on the task at hand, and it’s likely something professional.

She barely catches up with everyone around her when she’s back in town, and she stays long enough to accomplish her medical-related goal before she’s back on a flight to Boston.

Because of this, when Meredith shows up, it’s a catch-22. The series desperately tries to maintain her relevance as the titular character, but it doesn’t always know how to do it.

I doubt this will be much different.

Webber Still Has Beef with Meredith, Which Could Be Interesting

(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

However, if the promo doesn’t tease anything else, it implies that Webber and Meredith will have some tension.

If you recall, Webber was pissed off at Mer for keeping Catherine’s prognosis from him and treating his wife without giving him a heads-up about her cancer.

While it’s unfair of him to be upset with Meredith for actually respecting HIPAA for a change, it seems he needs someone to be angry at, and we always lash out at those closest to us.

Meredith’s return to Grey Sloan won’t be an easy road if Webber gives her the silent treatment at best and goes off on her at worst.

In Webber’s defense, Mer has a way of blowing into the hospital, wreaking absolute havoc, and leaving again while everyone else deals with the consequences.

Mer Brings Nick With Her, Which Raises the Question of What Happened to His Mentoring the Interns?

Richard explains some things to Altman.Richard explains some things to Altman.

We know Nick decided to relocate with Meredith, but he still chose to play double duty by assisting with the intern program when he was in Seattle.

However, then he stopped showing up as much, or the show didn’t reference him, so it was one of those odd things that made Nick’s presence seem a bit forced now.

He’s Meredith’s tagalong more than anything else, and his connections to Grey Sloan don’t feel as firm.

But hey, no one will ever complain about seeing more of Scott Speedman!

The dynamic duo is back in Seattle on important business involving a liver transplant patient, so Nick will at least be working within his specialty and having something to do.

Inquiring minds would like to know his reaction to everything that has happened with the interns since we last saw him, including Mika’s departure.

Mother is MOTHERING — Bailey Helping the Interns is a Necessary Arc

(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

What’s exciting about this hour is that Bailey is taking her newer attitude about taking care of interns and ensuring that the next generation of doctors is coping with everything and not burning out seriously.

Bailey knows better than anyone what it’s like to struggle with things related to mental health.

The interns are at a critical stage right now. Everyone is still reeling from Mika’s accident, the death of her sister, and her departure.

She was the glue that kept this group of interns together in many ways, and they all felt her absence.

We also have Lucas coping with the traumatic convenience store robbery and all that it brings up for him.

The end of the hour already gave us a peek into how Lucas may continue to struggle with that incident no matter how much he wants to pretend he’s okay.

(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

Ben helped him through a panic attack, so it only feels right that his and Bailey’s home may serve as a safe space for Lucas and the others as they express themselves.

Hopefully, within this time frame, we’ll see Jules openly expressing herself after losing Mika, working through those issues with her friends, especially Simone, and trying to figure out the next steps.

And we also have Blue struggling with this dicey situation with his ex-fiancee.

The setup for this sounds intriguing, and it could lead to all the juicy personal drama and angst we tend to expect from Grey’s Anatomy.

We’re Wary of Ben and Winston’s Pairing

(Disney/Anne Marie Fox)

The hour also teases a team-up between Winston and Warren, and forgive me if I’m not excited about this in the least.

Winston has become such an insufferable character that whenever Grey’s pairs him with any of the others, it always becomes an issue.

Also, these two will clash on something or another because they have vastly different styles. Ben can’t figure out his ranking after his return to practicing medicine after years of serving as a firefighter on Station 19.

The two of them will handle a trauma case involving a crash victim, and it seems like the perfect opportunity for Ben to use his firefighting and EMT skills.

If that’s the case, though, it will invite the same questions everyone has for him regarding where his true passion lies and his choice of who and what he’s trying to be.

Over to you, Grey’s Fanatics.

Are you excited about Meredith’s return?

Will Jules break down at the retreat?

Hit the comments below and share all of your thoughts and theories.

Grey’s Anatomy airs Thursdays at 10/9on ABC.

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